Busy Time! and Taize prayers :)

16 03 2011

Sorry for not posting at all in the past week, but I have been extremely busy working on a 1 week sampling programme, which meant collecting samples and then being in the lab every day for a week (Sat and Sun included) to process the samples. It was quite a learning experience and I am glad I did it, as I learnt some useful techniques. However I am now happy it is over, and I can get to working on my project. This does not mean that it was all work and no play (though mainly work).

On Thursday the people at OLV young adult group (OK actually it was 99% Ian’s work) organised a Taize style prayer meeting. Such prayer services have started being held in the church every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7.30pm a couple of months ago, instead of a daily evening mass, which was not possible to maintain. I never usually go to them, but seeing that it was a Taize style one and Ian was organising it, I decided to go along and give a helping hand.

I really enjoyed it I must say. Ian organised it beautifully. The setting was really calming (he has lots of patience to have switched on all those candles on his own). The readings etc were related and the music was really nice. So congrats Ian. I will definitely be back  whenever you organise the next one (or perhaps I can help you a bit more than this time…I just showed up and read a prayer (A).