Greets from Dublin!

30 09 2010

Greetings blog readers from my room in Dublin. Today was the day I left my life in Malta to start my life here in Dublin. This morning I woke up feeling OK…but then it quickly went downhill from there, and then the mood lifted again…by the time I arrived at the airport I was feeling better. I started chatting with the Irish lady who happened to be behind me in the queue. She was sooo nice :D…She came to Malta for a wedding, and one of the ladies with her had a son who is coming to DCU this year too…and he will be staying at Shanowen too (however she is not sure if it is Shanowen hall or Shanowen square).

Then went for check in…obviously I was overweight haha…17.5kg…so I removed some things (placed in the hand luggage), and managed to bring it down to the required weight (my hand luggage was that much heavier however :D)…and I removed some things to give to mum.

I said my goodbyes and up to the queue I went. I happened to be just behind the same lady in the queue…then went on the plane, and a friend of the same lady was sitting next to me…we chatted a bit and relaxed a bit. After 2.5hours on the plane, apprehension started to set in (probably as we encountered some turbulence). I landed, got my luggage, and proceeded to go to the bus. I made it to the bus stop I had to stop at (thank you bus driver and nice lady 😀 ).

I then walked to the residence. I was a funny sight…I am sure some people thought I was crazy!!…But made it whole, settled into the room, went to Tesco to buy some things, came home, ate (pizza in the microwave hihi). I also chatted with my mum, Ann, and Bernard and gave them a web cam tour of my place. I am currently talking to Bernard on Skype whilst he searches for master’s courses he might follow next year, whilst I am writing my blog :D.

The room is quite nice…and I think it is suitable for my needs…I only wish I had a pillow…but I thought I would not have one…so tomorrow or this weekend I will go buy a pillow…and a Duvet…cos it is getting a bit cold now the night is setting in. However I will survive tonight.

I am glad I am now here in Dublin…it was so stressful with not knowing. Now tomorrow it is off to Uni. I have already met my supervisor and she seemed super nice. I however look forward to meeting up with the new students and starting my new adventure…BRING IT ON I say.