Biodiversity Training Seminar

9 10 2010

This morning saw me attending a 1-day Biodiversity Training Seminar organised by An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland. The day was divided into two. Three sessions of presentations were held in the morning, with a field trip in the afternoon. I have written more about the details of the seminar in my research blog, so please go to read more there.

I must say I really enjoyed the whole day. It was really well organised by An Taisce and I must congratulate them. I also got some chance to talk and discuss various aspects of Irish life and environmental considerations with different people. I also managed to have a good discussion about the issue of refugees and immigrants in Malta. I also managed to eat some really good sandwiches for lunch, which they provided as part of our sandwich buffet lunch…yumm yumm.

When is your next activity An Taisce?…I will be there!