Visit to Town

16 10 2010

This week, I went again to the New and Not so New in Dublin Coffee and Cake meetup at Milk and Coffee in Dublin. This means that I get an excuse to get into town (it is quite expensive here to use buses…Eur1.60 to get to town, which is around 15mins away (and another Eur1.6o to come back) is a minimum, and the service is not that great.  But anyways. Since I was going to town, I decided to go in a bit earlier and do some shopping. Ross from Uni had suggested a good shopping area, and that is where I went. It is just off the main road me and my mum had trawled all over last time we were here. But we are not that adventurous. So this area was uncharted before in my internal Dublin map.

What did I find?…more and more and more…larger and larger and larger shops than I had seen elsewhere in Dublin. I did not buy much, but I bought some much needed stuff. Most importantly? I am the proud owner of a new mouse…for my laptop that is:

My new mouse

My new mouse

 I actually wanted one of the colourful ones such as this:

The colourful sister to my mouse

The colourful sister to my mouse

But the guys at Logitech have forgotten to include Malta in the list of billing addresses pffff. So a plain one it is.

After some shopping I made my way to the Meetup. It was nice to meet up with some of the people from last time. However most people were new. It was like out of around 40people there, 30 must have been completely different to last time. But that is great. Cos you get to meet up with new people. I am really enjoying these coffee and cake activities. I get to meet different people and have a really pleasant time discussing anything and everything. Today we discussed anything from French strikes to the Irish recession to Oktoberfest to Costume parties. It is also great cos I get to network…I got some ideas from my dissertation…so that is always good. And the hot chocolate I had was also mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm.

I won’t be able to make it next week, cos I have special plans for then. However I will certainly be back.