My PhD and my Blog :)

3 10 2010

OK, so it had been suggested (insisted?), that I have two blogs to keep up with. One is this personal blog where I can write about what I do and activities I have participated in etc. The other should be a research blog. Where I only put down posts related to my research. This would be a more formal sort of blog. I had written the first post quite a while ago. However I never informed anyone about it. Because, who would visit it, when I did not have anything to say. However, next Monday (tomorrow 🙂 ), I should be getting the first details of my project. Last Friday, all I did was mainly administrative stuff. I still have some more such stuff to do. However, I should have a meeting regarding the research portion of my project (about time hihi).

Therefore my research blog should start being updated more (WEEEEE). Please go visit it, if you are interested in what I am up to at Uni and my ‘academic life’: VISIT ME!